
Registration Rates

Early Bird
Until 31 March
Until 31 May
Until 30 June
ORCA Members
ORCA Members
ORCA Members
Non Members
Non Members
Non Members

Accompanying persons registration is now available to book and priced at £280. This includes attendance at all social events including the Welcome Reception, Conference BBQ and Conference Dinner.

Please note – On-site registrations are not available. All delegates must be registered online by 30 June 2025. ORCA does not offer one-day registration rates or does not offer a rate that does not include catering and social event costs.

Please note the IADR General Session will be held in Barcelona, Spain the week before ORCA Leeds (from 25-28 June 2025). Barcelona is approximately 2½ hours flying time from the UK, so you may wish to attend both IADR and ORCA consecutively.

Conferences and Events
University of Leeds
[email protected]